You don’t have to do anything extra to convert the file to or from the Microsoft format. As you edit, Google Docs will continue to automatically save the file in the MS Word format (such as. With the Office Editing for Docs, Sheets, and Slides extension installed, you open MS Office documents as if they were native Google Doc files.

That’s fine, if you’re okay with converting them to the native format and then downloading the final file as a.

Out of the box, the only way to edit such files is to have Google Drive convert them to the Google format. However, there is an occasion when I have to work with a non-native format, such as a. Most of the time I am working with native Google files. It is my daily driver for 90% of my written work. If the inability to edit MS Office files in Google Drive has been holding you back, here's how you how you can easily add this much-needed feature. How to view and edit Word documents from Google Drive with ease